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Photo du rédacteurGanesh

Being a coconut tree...

Standing tall needs strong roots so that the stubborn winds cannot uproot.
Does a successful career depend on how strong the base is? We built a firm base from the very first day of learning, giving efficiency in the workplace and career enhancement.

Each day, spending extra time and continuing learning makes us strong, like a coconut tree at the seashore that continues to stay tall in adverse winds.

We all have seen the substantial impact of the pandemic on the professionals, mainly because either they lost their jobs or stayed with sizeable pay cuts. The impact was so severe that even the larger corporates to save themselves from losses had asked the employees to leave. The corporate offices decided upon these decisions without considering the employee serving years, experience, expertise, and commitment. But time, as we all know always keeps changing. Today the impact of the pandemic has considerably subsided. Now, slowly and steadily the recovery phase has started. Few have chosen to get into work again, a few are still struggling and few even changed the course. With all these happenings, the industries has felt a shortage of skilled workforce. The supply chain did not work efficiently with the production line affected by workforce issues and various other effects. Almost all sectors suffered, and the shortage of skilled professionals was felt in every corner.

All this gives importance to learning at any age or juncture of career. We can compare learning with the deeper roots of a coconut tree, which grows deeper and they stand tall. It is imperative to perfect the skill at work, simultaneously spending time each day in addded learning over the skill-set that one possesses. It needs an investment of personal time, that always pays off.

One of the best things I have seen amongst few professionals, when affected by the unruly job market, they agree to take a step or two back. It is alawys a difficult decision, but a professional with a stronger base never hesitates. Within one year, most of them come close to the previous stature. Although it is a tremendous effort. it is also fruitful. All those who did not shy to take such a step represents coconut tree who, with a stronger base or roots, managed an arduous task.

How does it work?

The best way is to come out of a comfort zone, cross the periphery, and work towards it. The course of development works on the principle of going out of our self-made circle and to cross the ‘fear that circles’ around the personal comfort zone. Crossing this zone of uneasiness is possible if the learning route is taken.

The growth of the individual is not worrying about others’ points of view. Like fire and water cannot mix together, similarly conquering fear and thinking 'others point of view' is not workable.

Cannot move forward, by looking back

The belief of moving ahead works with sharpening skills while not looking back at the same time. A person may have a successful career path, but if the situation changes, the best option is to keep brushing newly acquired and old skills with every day learning. Past can only drag to an infinite thinking process, whereas the same time spent on learning will reap success. Learning makes the roots strong and gives strength to rise. It boosts our confidence and in the adverse situation gives us strength. Even if someone wants to start a new venture or follow his dream at whatever age or time, the learning makes them resourceful to accomplish the goals.

Going solo, following a dream, continue growing with a stronger base is the trait of a coconut tree.

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