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Writer's pictureGanesh


Updated: Aug 13, 2022

Success in a career or personal goals needs a clear focus. We can attain this, i.e. a clear focus when the mind can deal with the stress in daily life. We call it mindfulness - a way to keep, strengthen, and improve the concentration of the mind. It is one of the pillars of success, after skill and experience.

Mindfulness is to train our minds to face these feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and stress. It helps to concentrate and focus on goals. The potential negative thoughts and feelings restrict growth and encircle an individual to stay within a safe zone. A growth mindset needs to conquer fear first, which will lead to dreams and goals. This gives us the reason to believe how important mindfulness is.

Mindfulness, an art that was mainly known and used by yogis and monks, has become a necessity for corporates, entrepreneurs, retired, and even today’s potential Work-From-Home scenario. This is a practice to relax the body, mind, and nerves in order to reduce the stress level.

Practicing this need,

  • Believing ourselves by witnessing our own experience,

  • Accepting the surrounding environment,

  • Developing patience and listening to others' points of view, and

  • Trusting own self.

I will say that during a busy schedule, 'finding a few moments for yourself is important. One can stretch arms and legs while sitting, change body posture often, do mild neck exercises, and even cheek exercises, especially while thinking of a solution to complex issues. These actions, along with deep breathing in time, give wonderful results.

And, the final one is 'finding a few moments for yourself. Every day, give a few moments to yourself. It can be early morning or later afternoon. It can be called meditation, but I call it "moments with nothing". The fundamental difference between mindfulness and meditation is that meditation is "awareness of nothing", whereas mindfulness is awareness of the environment around.

We must unfailingly give time to ourselves either early morning or later afternoon.

Every day, give a few moments to yourself

No matter what the job is, unquestionably it creates anxiety at a certain point in time. One way to reduce stress in the office is by avoiding back-to-back meetings.

Mindful leaders drive organizational success. Leadership engagement is necessary, one who can influence individuals to achieve higher productivity. Once the leader connects with the individuals, it creates a sense of identity in the team. The leader provides clarity to make the team aware of the surrounding situation, which improves their focus.

Leadership is mindful, which means their ability to have an honest outlook of oneself, and without ego, willing to put the interest of others in the forefront. A difficult situation for a few in the corporate world, but is a ‘must’ for a leader, as the overall goal of an organisation is to grow. Such goals are not achievable if the leader is not mindful of the present situation and the decisions are biased.

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It is must to have for every professional, and entrepreneurs.

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