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Writer's pictureGanesh

Never stop asking questions

One piece of the advice from my mentors was 'Never stop asking questions'. Because by asking simple questions may lead to bigger mysteries.

Asking questions is the best way to get updated. Although, in a few instances, asking questions is like looking in the mirror. Do these instances create dissatisfaction or they inclined towards finding more to it? It does happen and especially when someone is uncertain of their whereabouts. And, these instances give an indication to find more.

Any information not communicated well may create chaos that leaders want to avoid. A way that gives an insight into happenings when getting into details in questioning. Asking multiple questions does not make an individual less knowledgeable.

It is an inquisitiveness that enhances his knowledge. We can have a quick test, ask a question in three different ways, and then the outcome will be three different answers. The meaning of three may be the same but in a different format. This will also appraise you of the facts and figure that is needed in the performance of work. Auditors use this technique a lot.

One of my early experiences, as a part accounting team of the city hotel. We had been told that a senior auditor from Tokyo will be visiting for process verification. It was an exciting moment for the team to showoff the effectiveness of controls and processes.

As part of preparation, all the ‘relevant’ documents were arranged. We had prepared a few files with a mound of documents to show our efforts.

When the auditor arrived, all the information were given to him for process verification. He kept them on the side of the table and mentioned that he would like to meet the team members one by one. He wanted to have a casual chat with each team member to understand the process instead of himself going through the bulky files.

While speaking with the General Cashier; he asked basic details such as on daily collection, reimbursements of expenses to front office etc. He then asked to show the daily collection report. Reviewing it, he found that on some days of the month, the daily collection showed a negative number.

Normally, collection cannot be negative as it represents daily collection of cash, not payment. Later, it was explained to him that since the General Cashier made reimbursement entry out of cash collection, thus it shows negative but only for weekend that is Saturday or Sunday. Also that the actually cash does not transfer same day but later. Sometime, the Front-office cashier deposit is increased to settle it. This process is not normal but has been practiced similarly for many years. Anyway, after some more discussion the process was changed.

But the point to be noted is, that answers to his simple questions started revealing itself in much greater details. That gave him a complete insight into operations. I discovered that one should never hesitate to ask questions because response to simple questions reveal greater details.

I discovered that one should never hesitate to ask questions because responses to simple questions reveal greater details.

It is as simple as staying focused on one particular topic and asking fundamental questions. Once can uncover much information. The simple and basic questions can uncover deeper details. This is the methodology used by many industry experts and especially internal auditors. You will never find them talking much technical, instead they are seen asking basic simple questions.

There is a next step to this and that is cross-questioning, based on answers of the initial basic questions.

If one understands basics, he can answer cross question and give the impression about his job knowledge. The key always is asking without hesitating.

Try it out, to get deeper insight of the facts.

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